Everyone feels lonely at times. In fact, lonlieness began in the Garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve - a married couple-experienced separation from God and each other. Sin's entrance into the world created loneliness. The remedy, say's Jayne V. Clark, is not what fills the void, but Who fills the void.
Clark helps us to understand that our union with Christ leads to our union with one another. Believers are a family, the bride of Christ, and, just like siblings and spouses, we have the power to impact our own loneliness and to lessen or intensify the loneliness others.
"If your goal is to solve your loneliness, you will end up using people," Clark tells us, "but when you 'seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness' (Matt. 6:33), you will end up loving people.
About the Author
Jayne V. Clark, M.A.R is the Director of Publications as well as a counselor and faculty member of the School of Biblical Counseling at the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation.