God's Global Mosaic
God's Global Mosaic
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God's Global Mosaic
by Paul-Gordon Chandler (Author)
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God's Global Mosaic is a refreshing original book. Chandler intellectually celebrates the beauty of world Christianity's diversity and unity. This should be required reading for anyone who purports to be a world Christian.
--Lyle W. Dorsett, professor of Christian ministries and Evangelism, Wheaton CollegeGod's Global Mosaic is a wonderful tapestry of faith in God, who transcends the paradigms of culture and individual experience. This is a book that defines the term world Christian. My faith was challenged in reading God's Global Mosaic. There is much to be learned through people who know and experience God outside the familiar box of our own culture and background.
--Ron Nikkel, president, Prison Fellowship InternationalA delightful insight into God at work around the world which informs the mind and warms the heart.
--Lindsay Brown, general secretary, International Fellowship of Evangelical StudentsAn around-the-world trip, understanding much of what God is doing on other continents, learning lessons that make the journey a life-changing experience--all for the price of a book! A great read and one that changes our perspectives with every chapter! Highly recommended.
--Clive Calver, president, World ReliefChurches with white steeples, people arranged in orderly pews, choruses of 'Rock of Ages' and 'Great Is Thy Faithfulness'--this is often the limited view Americans have of the Christian faith. In God's Global Mosaic, Paul-Gordon Chandler reveals a broader, richer and compelling view of the Christian faith as a world-wide faith; a view that speaks to the bigness of God and the diversity of his purposes for all the nations.
--Richard E. Stearn, president, World VisionHaving traveled widely in the cause of the gospel myself, I was excited by this outstanding account, far more extensive than my own experience. Chandler gives us brilliant personal insights into the diversity of Christian ministry all over the world. We need this book to enlarge our vision, stimulate our compassion and enrich our understanding of the good news.
--Michael Green, advisor in evangelism to the archbishops of Canterbury and YorkI have personally benefited from reading this book. My own spirit has been broadened, and I have pleasure and less concern about Christians whose personalities and temperaments differ from mine--they are wonderful brothers of the Lord.
--Kenneth N. Taylor, chairman, Tyndale House PublishersI really liked this book because Paul-Gordon Chandler shows us mission work at its best. It is a style of ministry that is marked by listening and learning from indigenous Christians. It is about partnering with Christians from around the world in the task of contextualizing the gospel.
--Tony Campolo, Eastern College, St. Davids, PennsylvaniaIn this inspiring book Paul-Gordon Chandler, through his extensive travels and his natural identification with Christians on all continents, provides the reader with a unique perspective on what God is doing around the world. He gives us an appreciation for the varied 'flavors' of the gospel as it is expressed and lived out in very different contexts.
--Ramez L. Atallah, general secretary, Bible Society of EgyptIt is an unfortunate fact that the culture we live in determines much of how we read the Bible and even experience God. Fortunately, God's Global Mosaic takes off those cultural blinders and exposes us to the profound and sometimes provocative perspectives of non-Western Christians.
--Wesley K. Stafford, president, Compassion InternationalLike Paul-Gordon Chandler, I have traveled all around the globe and have been blessed to worship and serve God with believers of all stripes--I have seen what he describes. With its broad and insightful perspective God's Global Mosaci will open your eyes to the fullness of our faith and refresh your awe of our infinite God.
--Charles Colson, founder, Prison Fellowship InternationalMy friend Paul-Gordon Chandler leads us around the world and introduces us to the Christians with whom we'll worship the Lord in heaven someday. During the journey we discover how much we need one another in the body of Christ.
--Luis Palau, evangelistMy ministry over the last eight years as archbishop of Canterbury has shown me just how insular we 'first world' Christians can be. With his wonderful vision of the global church, Paul-Gordon Chandler has written a book that brings its glorious diversity and riches to life. I warmly commend it as an encouragement and a challenge to us all.
--George Carey, archibishop of CanterburyPaul-Gordon Chandler, through his multicultural viewpoint developed in his many years of international ministry, helps us to see that the kingdom of God is truly a mosaic and that God in his sovereignty can easily be grasped by anyone regardless of culture, for God is cultureless. As Billy Graham has often said, 'When I preach the Gospel with authority in any country of the world, God drives it into the human heart.' Such is the simple proclamation of God's Global Mosaic. It is an expression of the adventure of peoples throughout the world finding the relevant Creator who can address them personally in the midst of their society.
--Tom Phillips, president/CEO, International StudentsPaul-Gordon Chandler, with a background of extensive world travels and experience, has remarkable sensitivities and unusual insights into other cultures. He has drawn creative lessons for the Christian life from observing the customs of Christians in many regions of the world. Christians in the West can profit immensely from the lessons given in this book.
--David M. Howard, former international director, World Evangelical FellowshipPaul-Gordon Chandler's book is a 'must' read to understand how God is moving throughout the world. I gave copies to all of our senior staff. I heartily recommend it.
--Eugene B. Habecker, president, American Bible SocietySome men write about the world. Others write about God. Paul-Gordon Chandler does both, and in one book! He manages to entice you into the cultures of the nations, creating a beautiful tapestry that is woven with threads drawn from different aspects of the character of God. Chandler's journeys in the nations of the earth read like a series of divinely connected relationships that at once enchants and inspires the reader. You fall in love with the church of Jesus Christ all over again as a result of reading God's Global Mosaic. Chandler's record is both inspirational and informational, and leaves the reader with a greater vision of God's glory in the church and the peoples of the earth.
--Floyd McClung, author, and former executive director of international operations, Youth With A MissionThe reader will discover fascinating and on-the-scene insights of how our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of his person transcend every cultural barrier. A brilliant, inspiring work. Highly recommended for all, and must reading for those involved in world evangelism.
--Bill Bright, founder and president, Campus Crusade for Christ InternationalThroughout time the story has been the form by which we relate profound truth to one another. In God's Global Mosaic, Paul-Gordon Chandler relates stories that communicate the deep and multifaceted truths of men and women who experience the love of Christ and the grace of God as they follow him down very desperate paths of life. This pilgrimage is at the same time one, and yet strikingly unique. Paul captures the essence of both the oneness and the uniqueness.
--Paul McKaughan, president/CEO, Evangelical Fellowship of Mission AgenciesYes, learn! Especially from Christians who have paid the price for their faith. I know of no greater theme today to make known our church. Wholeheartedly recommended!
--Brother Andrew, founder, Open DoorsYou will want to read the interesting (sometimes surprising, often moving, many humorous) stories and illustrations in Paul-Gordon Chandler's book, God's Global Mosaic. It is my prayer that you will be blessed, encouraged and challenged as you read about your Christian brothers and sisters in cultures vastly different from your own, and yet all joined together in one family of God!
--Billy GrahamShare
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